F1 Statistics Website
Website developed using Angular, Spring Boot and MySQL with log in functionality. Allows users to view F1 statistics!
Thanks for stopping by! Want to get in touch or talk about a project? Feel free to contact me via email or social media!
I'm a Skövde, Sweden, based programmer, musician and gamer! I graduated from the University of Skövde with a degree in Computer Science and IT with focus on game development a couple years ago. If I'm not at my computer you'll probably find me playing the piano, hitting the climbing gym or maybe out going for a ride on a MTB trail. I love to be creative and work out solutions for ideas and problems I might encounter with readability and structure being my main focuses. Clean code and refactoring are major passions for me when writing code and I never stop looking for improvements in both code and processes!
Every year in december I participate in the Advent Of Code yearly event which requires skills such as GCD, LCM, graph theory, search algorithms, modular arithmetic and general problem solving. Often the greedy approach is too slow which means putting effort into smart and time saving solutions!
With several years of experience in C#, Java, SQL, Typescript, Unity and several other tools and programming languages acquired both professionally and on my free time I'm a well rounded programmer hungry for more knowledge!
F1 Statistics Website
Website developed using Angular, Spring Boot and MySQL with log in functionality. Allows users to view F1 statistics!
Custom library game engine in C# utilizing SDL. Minesweeper and Asteroids clones have been developed using it!
Discord Bot developed using DSharpPlus for fetching League of Legends statistics. It is utilizing several APIs and a MySQL Database
Dream Commentator
UI information overlay for F1 2020 game by Codemasters
Game project based on procedural environment, ambience and peacefulness
Programmer Utilities
Tool software engineers can use to speed up their work process. Includes: sorting, counting, compairing, generating text and HTML:ify!
Project DW
Procedurally generated F1 track maps through Voronoi Diagrams
Automatically triangulate and export pictures with parameter control using Delaunay Triangulation